Sookshmadarshini is a gripping Malayalam thriller directed by MC Jithin, centering on the mysterious disappearance of Ammachi (granny) and the subsequent tension between Basil Joseph and Nazriya Nazim’s characters. Basil claims Ammachi wandered off due to her Alzheimer’s, but Nazriya remains skeptical, leading to a suspenseful game of doubt and discovery. The film unfolds through a clever mix of humor and intrigue, keeping viewers engaged until the final reveal.
The story begins with Ammachi going missing from Basil Joseph’s home, triggering suspicion from his neighbor, Nazriya Nazim. While Basil insists her disappearance is due to her condition, Nazriya notices unsettling clues that deepen her mistrust. The first half builds suspense gradually, blending slow narrative development with moments of levity. By the interval, the mystery hooks the audience, with the second half tightening the suspense and introducing a new character, Ammachi’s sister, who adds layers to the story.
Both Basil Joseph and Nazriya Nazim excel in their roles, showcasing a perfect balance of subtlety and intensity. Their performances elevate the thriller, creating a compelling cat-and-mouse dynamic. Supporting actors, including Manohari Joy as Ammachi, Kottayam Ramesh, Deepak Parambol, and Sidharth Bharathan, deliver commendable performances that enrich the film’s narrative.
Direction and Writing
Director MC Jithin, known for Nonsense, handles the film with finesse, ensuring the suspense remains intact until the climax. While the slow pacing in the first half raises questions about whether the payoff will justify the buildup, the second half delivers intrigue and smart twists. The story, primarily set in a confined neighborhood, benefits from its simplicity, avoiding the clichés of typical thrillers.
Technical Aspects
- Music: Christo Xavier’s background score is a standout element, striking the perfect balance between subtlety and tension. It adds a fresh, immersive layer to the suspenseful atmosphere.
- Cinematography: Sharan Velayudhan’s camera work impresses, making the limited setting visually engaging with inventive angles and quality visuals.
- Editing: While Chaman Chakko’s editing could have been sharper, the film maintains its gripping nature overall.
- VFX: Minimal but stylish VFX by Black Maria Studio, such as WhatsApp conversations displayed as on-screen text, adds a modern touch.
- Production Values: Happy Hours Entertainment and Ava Productions deliver high-quality production that enhances the film’s immersive feel despite its simple setup.
Sookshmadarshini is a clever blend of suspense and humor, skillfully keeping its mystery under wraps until the end. The first half, though slow, builds curiosity, while the second half amps up the tension with tighter storytelling. While some minor exaggerations in Nazriya’s character and logical gaps are noticeable, they don’t detract from the overall experience. The film avoids predictable tropes, delivering a refreshing take on the thriller genre.
Sookshmadarshini is a well-crafted thriller that thrives on its engaging performances, sharp direction, and stellar technical work. Despite a few pacing issues, it offers a satisfying cinematic experience with its mix of humor, suspense, and emotional depth. It’s a must-watch for fans of smart, grounded thrillers.